Come on [We the..] people! Sign the petition!


Drone Enthusiast
We need some action here folks! Let's get the word out. Already we are getting traction on Facebook and other forums.

What better day to feel like the Founding Fathers and give rise to our voices? Stick a feather in your cap this July 4th and sign the petition to protect our right to commercial aerial photo/video without unreasonable restriction. And heck, we can't even be hanged for speaking out, like those dudes risked back in Philly and Boston 238 years ago! :)

Check it out HERE!

Gary Seven

Done. I've signed two separate petitions, including the one posted by bartman yesterday. Can't do much else because (1)I'm new to the sport and really don't know anyone else and (2)my current residency is outside the USA. I did however, spread the word to some of my old colleagues in Silicon Valley some of which used to be involved in RC and model rocketry.


Only 205 signatures, I would of thought there would be more by now. Signed and passed on to others I know.


Drone Enthusiast
I assume one must be a US citizen in order to sign a petition specific to US regulator jurisdiction having jurisdiction specifically within US boundaries or should I sign anyway and let the US government filter it as they see fit?

In the meantime I can try to work through the Civil Engineering contacts and societies such as the following, of which I am now a member:

Give it a shot - can't hurt if they turn you away "at the door." :)

thanks for for reaching out to your contacts.
