Best motor


Ok I am "building" my quadricopter for moths, beter say snowboarding and doing nothing... anyway now I decided to finish this project, but my question is what is best motor on market. I was planing to buy T-motor brend but then I stop and think about it, and I think it is best for me to ask you about motors and people that have expirience with this. So my question is what is best motor to buy? I am looking for quality.

Depends of what you want to do. Some motors are great for heavy lifters, some are great for mini racers..

You have to tell us what rig your are building, your plans for the rig, all up weight expectations and prop sizes...


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Sleepy has nailed the reply. With that said, in my experience you wont go far wrong with T-motor and you will go even less wrong with KDE motors which nothing else comes close to in my mind. However I am used to messing around with heavy lift motors so things could be different at the light end.

Intended Battery? 3S? 4S? 6S?
Intended frame size?
Intended weight?
What kind of gimbal? Link?

There is no guessing with multi rotors if you don;t want to be disappointed.


ok tell me this Mercedes vs Fiat
or BMW vs KIA ?
I don't want KIA or Fiat, I want BMW or Mercedes. They do same job but Mercedes is Mercedes. So is same story with motors or everything that work is good?

No it's not like that all. Some companies make great heavy lift motors some make great racer motors. If you would answer the questions we could help you.


What are good motor companies for a starter build? Something that's a good quality but won't break the bank like a kde or T-motor.

What are good motor companies for a starter build? Something that's a good quality but won't break the bank like a kde or T-motor.

Since you said "starter" I'll estimate a 350 - 450 size quad. In that range the Sunnysky motors seem to be a fine choice for little money.
