Battery life - real flight Graphs... need opnion


I just replaced my packs and got brand new batteries as my previous set weren't holding charge. I still feel that its consuming too much... I would love some feedback.. data below:

Turnigy nano-tech 4000mah 4S 45~90C
Stock Motors and ESC
Graupner 10-5 Props
Weight: 1765g (Hex no Battery) + 540g (Battery) = 2305grams

Graphs below are from 2 continuous flight of about 4min each with 2 of the same battery pack starting fully charged and balanced.
Graphs are for: Voltage, Watts, MaH, Accum_MaH.

My questions are:
- Shouldn't I be getting more from my battery then 4min each?
- Should I bring my Hex down when I reach 14.8v on load or I can keep it flying a bit longer?
- I noticed that after I brought it down (around 14.8v on load)... the packs were reading around 15.4v without load. Is this OK?
- Tips, recommendations?

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Aerial DP
when you fly, it's gonna go way lower than 14.8 during flight... theres a resting number like you said 15+ and a load number, you called out 14.8... i see mine hit 14.2 ish under a 60 amp load, but when i finish it is 14.8 on the charger when i hook it up

your cumulative mah is the one that shows us "how much" you used.... it was 1628. on a 4000 mah pack you want to use no more than 3200 so your only half way through the pack. one thing i like to do just to make sure it's all working right is charge the pack and see how much goes back in.... it should be extremely close to 1628, like within 20

everything else looks well in range to me..... crazy it uses over 20 amps to hover. mine used to hover around 13-15 amp, kloners 450 quad same weights you mention

It;d probably happier with 8 or 9" props, got any to look at a graph of that?
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Thanks Kloner... I knew something wasn't right... I'm happy now except that I just burn my e-logger by forgetting to add a resistor to the tempB to monitor my 2nd video/light battery. Made my whole harness and it was looking good except that I forgot to add the resistor. It was a matter of 2 seconds plugging and noticing I had forgot but the e-logger is gone... hope my OSD, GPS and Altimeter are fine.


That's the same setup I've been playing with, and your amps and watts are right in line with mine. I've got about 10 real flights in with mine now and am using 2x2650 4s and can get 9 minutes without coming close to being out of battery.

I seem to pull a few less watts on a 3s and have an 8000 3s and a 6000 4s on order to play with.

I've been using 3.93 and 3.5 per cell for may level one and two protection and need to reduce the 3.93 to a lower number as I still have 3 minutes or better before I get to 3.5.



Aerial DP
open a ticket at ET, don't email them, it takes forever, but the ticket system is pretty fast.
