Advice on flying location re: airports


New quad flyer here (bulding F450 now)...

I have access to a friend's 5 acre property (has a house/power/shade :) for a good first fly/FPV/get used to it place. It is however right on a flight path for a major airport, but 9-10 km from the airport. Being that far away is it still a bad idea to fly...or maybe just keep hard ceiling height down?

Also there is nearby I think a beacon/radio? tower on property a few hundred yards behind his (across some railway tracks). Any comment on the radio frequencies airports like to use relative to the ones FPV uses?


Aerial DP
In the United States, in particular the San Diego region we have AMA clubs closer than that all over the place, as a crow flies. Once your a certain distance, any pilot loitering below 400' isn't suppose to and is military or news chopper and won't be around long. As long as your not running any illegal settings or fpv gear in general to where your interferring with there communications you should be fine. I'm just unsure if theres any laws or code of honor rules in your exact area



For the radio tower next door frequency wise if I stay 2.4 control (can't imagine a problem) and just 5.8 video for now...that should avoid interference...agreed?

I will have to research locally if 900, 1.3 or 433? UHF control would be problems @ this location...before I would ever try that.


Aerial DP
agreed, you will not. but say you had a 2.4 or 1.3 video tx and you break out the "lockout" you might interfere with them. Check the rules in your region. You should need a ham license and that should tell you everything you need to know about being legit. here were locked out of alot of channels and we have a 1 watt max power vtx but 5.8 is fully public domain, same with most of 2.4
