A message from AMA president Bob Brown

RC Rotors


The president of the AMA Bob Brown http://www.modelaircraft.org/ was in DC this past weekend at DC DUG Annual Conference: Drones for the People discussing the future of commercial UAS in the US. Not sure if most know what AMA is but if you are into r/c in the US you should know. take a look at their website they provide insurance for the people that fly r/c and also cover the owners of the fields that people fly there r/c aircrafts.
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Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
that was a lot of nothing :dejection:

except for a new member sales pitch at the end

RC Rotors

yeah someone is always trying to sell you something but for if you are a r/c modeller for $65 or so a year you cant beat the coverage you get plus you get to fly at any AMA sanctioned field as guest. never had to file a claim but i know they pay. my buddy stuff got looted when he was on vacation they paid another guy decided to fly his helicopter into someone's truck and they paid that also. AMA won't cover the professional AP guys but the r/c guys are covered.


Active Member
This is an attempt to get new members of the AMA and fight the image that they don't care for FPV or MRs. They have been making the rounds on all the big events lately with this same pitch.

RC Rotors

This is an attempt to get new members of the AMA and fight the image that they don't care for FPV or MRs. They have been making the rounds on all the big events lately with this same pitch.

you may be right but been an r/c guy and AMA member now for over 10 years, the coverage you get for $65 or so is priceless. multi rotor may be new but accidents are not and will happen and i have seen a ton of them. especially now you have 90% maybe less or so of the people flying multi rotors have no r/c experience. try flying an r/c heli with a 148bb gyro...


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
been at RC since about 1983 and an AMA member on and off as necessary to get access to clubs. i've heard stories that they don't pay or that they make it very hard to collect so it isn't easy money if you screw up or just have a bad day.

the money gets you access to club flying sites if that's what you need, it's not a totally horrible organization but I've never really felt the love for them that some do.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
fwiw, flying RC in a parking lot as he's doing in the video isn't exactly by the book I don't think. maybe he's an FPV pirate in the making?

Electro 2

Actually, I was genuinely suprised at this. It would have been my assumption that the AMA would side with the nay-sayers as most of their members probably fall into this category. Still, at present, membership really doesn't benefit the average MR pilot. It's doubtful that the ranks of the membership will swell as the FPV/MR ranks expand exponentially over the next decade. It's ovbious to me that eventually, this facet of minature aviation, will become the dominant form with "conventional" LOS flight a special interest category such as control line flying is today. Many RC old timers are very much fish-out-of-water with MR flight. The required skill set for top-level success is markedly different. Combining robotics, computer technology, electronics, and, ideally, some knowedge of inertial guidance/stabilization. Old-timey skills like wood working don't even count. This shut-out factor has changed the face of many other activities over the last few years, too. An example that comes to mind is amateur "Ham" radio. The last decade has changed that, too. As we say in the South, Tempus done fugit.

that was a lot of nothing :dejection:

except for a new member sales pitch at the end

Make no mistake....the only thing there which was in earnest was that recruiting pitch.

Talk is cheap. Anyone who welcomes me with open arms, but then says "now that I like you...give me money" probably wasn't being honest in the first place.

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Mr take no prisoners!
Actually, I was genuinely suprised at this. It would have been my assumption that the AMA would side with the nay-sayers as most of their members probably fall into this category. Still, at present, membership really doesn't benefit the average MR pilot. It's doubtful that the ranks of the membership will swell as the FPV/MR ranks expand exponentially over the next decade. It's ovbious to me that eventually, this facet of minature aviation, will become the dominant form with "conventional" LOS flight a special interest category such as control line flying is today. Many RC old timers are very much fish-out-of-water with MR flight. The required skill set for top-level success is markedly different. Combining robotics, computer technology, electronics, and, ideally, some knowedge of inertial guidance/stabilization. Old-timey skills like wood working don't even count. This shut-out factor has changed the face of many other activities over the last few years, too. An example that comes to mind is amateur "Ham" radio. The last decade has changed that, too. As we say in the South, Tempus done fugit.

LOL, remember when horseless carriages had to have a man walking in front of them waving a flag so that everyone would not get frightened, time flies but what goes around comes around again and again and some just don't learn from the same thing over and over again.

