3D Printing Parts


Has anyone had a play with 3D printing various parts for your setups?

There is Thingiverse where people share their designs for free. There is a few GoPro mounts and stuff there. Then there is places like Shapeways, and others, where you can buy printed items. But items that the designs for have been submitted by other users.

I'm thinking of getting into it. I don't have a printer by it's cheap to become a member of my local hackerspace where I would get access to one.

Keen to hear from any others doing stuff in this space already.




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Looks great. Did you ever share the plans/designs online?

And it's not the smallest of items. What are you attaching it to?


Spent a lot of time looking into it. I know there are many basement startups designing all forms of 3D printers. Prices range from generally from $400 to all the way up to $20000 for a "desktop"printer (depending on technology - Extrusion, Granular, Light polymerised).

The extrusion printing is likely the most practical ( i think for rc type application ), as its one of the least expensive with readily available consumables (ABS and PLA), but light polymerised to date has the best finish - its also the most expensive starting at around 3500 for a desktop model. The biggest challange with the extrusion type from what I have learned is that overhung or "bridged" areas of your model tend to suffer if you don't have adequate supporting structures put in by the program you are using to build your models.

I was thinking about getting one but I don't know if the plastic is up to the task? do you find it strong enough? I haven't got my hands on any samples of printed PLA or ABS to know or test. I also wonder if there are any issues with the layers delaminating under tension or torque. I think some day I will have to get one to try out.


Drone Enthusiast
I am really looking forward for this one formlabs.com. Just want a little more infos on the resin !

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My son and I have been heavily involved with the 3D Printing movement for the past 3 years. Built some home built RepRaps and a hand full of MakerBot Cupcakes. Presently have two highly modified Cupcakes and a Replicator 1XL. My son is thinking about printing some quad parts.



Make magazine did a 3D Printer Shootout in their November Issue. If you are seriously thinking about getting into 3D printing, you should get a copy and read it. Like I said, we are really into it but, like building and flying a Quad, it does take a lot of tweaking and is not for the faint of heart. We have found that for printing with ABS, we need an enclosed print chamber to get consistent, reliable results so I would probably not recommend the Robo printer.

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Drone Enthusiast

whats your take on the formlabs approach ? I cant figure what i should think of the resin and if it will be really strong enough to be used in a functional sense when it comes to copter.



Boris as a previous owner of an architectural model making company I can say that the rasin aproach provides high detail and ease of use but the material degrades over time especially in sunlight. zcorp systems used to be the best but lately a cheap ultimaker is my choice of printer.


Drone Enthusiast
Okay thanks ! I was dealing with the zcorp printers here in vienna and its okay for doing the zenmuse mods for the GH3 to fit in, but I wouldn't want to use the parts on anything structural were there is a wear and tear or any force. To what can i compare the ABS prints would i be able to use them as a boom clamp for example ?



Drone Enthusiast
and John when you say highly modified to what extend. I just don't have the time for another hobby ;) I just want to load in the STL and print !


Active Member
If any of you are looking to experiment with 3D printing, look for a local hacker space in your area. We have two different ones here in Baltimore, and both have 3D printers. I've been experimenting myself and it's loads of fun. So far I've printed an enclosure for my OpenPilot CC board and some 25mm boom clamps. So far so good, but I'm still learning for sure.


Drone Enthusiast
okay just tried shape ways ! But i want a machine next to me. Gonna make a decision between a ultimaker replikator and formlabs till the end of the weekend !
