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  1. D


    Howdy gang, Does anyone have any experience in multiplexing low-res video feeds? The idea for our system is that we have 2 low res outputs from the multicopter (1 on the chassis to assist with flight, and 1 directed with the camera to coordinate photography). Working on a 5.8GHz transmitter...
  2. D

    Beginners advise on FPV system

    Hey all, Doing some research into a FPV system and currently I am leaning towards the following system - Transmitter/Receiver (over 2.4GHz, running at 1W): Cam...
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    Gimbal Choice Help- Photoship One's 3X Pro v2?

    Howdy all Fairly new here (to the forums as well as multicopters), so please excuse any amateurism :cold: I'd like to, if possible, get some insight into the whatever anyone may know about the quality of Photoship One's 3X Pro V2, relative to similarly available models. It seems to me that...
  4. D


    Greetings all, Student from Melbourne here diving in head first into the wonderful world of multicopters! Will no doubt be looking to conversing with some of the great minds around here. The next year is very project orientated for me and I'll be looking to learn as much as I can, as well as...