
Eachine E010 FPV mod

A short video of flying.
This was my first drone mod. I added a Wolfwhoop WT03 Micro FPV AIO 600TVL Camera 5.8G 40CH 25mW/50mW/200mW adjustable Transmitter with Cloverleaf Antenna. I have the camera set to 25mW. The drone seems to start flying great but after 40 seconds to a min, the drone will just fall. I am looking at other mods to stabilize/increase power.
I experienced something similar with my hexcopter. Initially, it would just start losing altitude gradually when the battery was getting low. I assumed it was a battery going bad and ignored it. A few weeks later, instead of losing altitude, it began falling out of the sky. It turned out to be a bad ECS instead of the battery, and I'm still trying to identify the cause. All 6 ESCs have fewer than 20 hours of light use, and the other 5 continue to function like new.
Questions: Are you using an All-In-One ESC module? Are you using a Power Distribution Module, or is power to the motors built into the drone frame? What are the specs on your battery?
I'm not sure if I'll be able to help, but your issue is similar enough to mine that maybe we'll figure it out.

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