Amphibiuos quad


likes gadgets
cool another aplication

fishing tackle

use it to place your bait ,with gps you could hit the same spot every time

fit a fish finder sensor under it aswell

possibilities are endless

well spotted



Merlin of Multirotors
I have a Dex frame sitting on the shelf waiting for me to find the time to do something with it. It is a bit of an oddity and they are very hard to track down as they're handmade by a person somewhere in central Europe. When I had the chance to acquire one I did simply because I found the concept interesting and I was thinking of building a quad for the cold weather that wouldn't be bothered by takeoffs and landings from snowy surfaces.

One of these days I'll get a few spare minutes and get mine togther and flying, I'll post some video once I do.



likes gadgets
It wouldnt be as accurate for placing bait without the gps tho

I can just imagine the senerio

A quick fpv reccy to the lake just to se if fav fishing spot is free drop in some bait while there then flick the switch RTH

walk down to the lake set up all me fishing gear not forgetting to bring quad with me

ring the missis to arange snacks send the quad to collect them

would be almost perfect

meanwhile "whilst flying back across lake with snacks battery dies due to forgetting to recharge or somthing simlar" quad falls in to lake

wakes up and realises it was all a dream

and not a night mare as the Dex floats



Drone Enthusiast
Living on the beach i would love to have something I felt more comfortable flying over water with. This is very cool. Next step, camera mount.
