XAircraft X650v Tech help please?


New Member
This is my first post here so I hope it works.
After having trouble with calibration drift on my newly built (shipped from factory late last month) XAircraft X650 and X450 I decided the investigate the problem. In particular the X650 dangerously launching itself and coming down very un-gracefully :black_eyed: in front of a large commercial client I was demonstrating to (only broke a motor mount from about 10m), so I decided to spend the next day finding out what the problem was. For work I do communications installation/technical support for very large international companies so this was like a day in the office for me.
When I did my initial calibrations through the XAircraft Centre software prior to this discovery everything was nice and level and completed on a bench indoors, but when I would fly the aircrafts they would not be stable and the X650 would have half the props revving hard while the others were only idling and then it would rev hard in pulses. The X450 would fly but constantly required the trimming of the controls until I would run out of stick and have to land. I was not able to calibrate or see what was causing the drifting in the field as I didn’t have a laptop on me.
Yesterday I spent about 14hrs on a bench doing many tests and have found that the AHRS-S drifts with slight temperature change. When I would go outside where it was cooler or warmer the temperature change was causing the Pitch and Roll to change along with the AHRS-S would warm up over time as it was operating. I have now proven this on the bench and will edit the marathon video footage showing the drift and some relevant tests and post it as soon as possible.
In summary I could not find the compass or GPS causing problems other than the compass sitting directly on the AHRS-S was changing the temperature only slightly. For the moment until XAircraft rectify the problem I suggest the following when going to fly - Sit your aircraft on the ground (in the sun or shade depending on where you are flying) and let it adjust to the temperature while you monitor Pitch and Roll on the AHRS page of the XAircraft Centre software. While your laptop USB port is connected and communicating it will power the AHRS-S unit and stabilise its temperature. I found running the motors did not warm it up any quicker. Once the Pitch and Roll has stabilised (I found 5-10min) you can do a calibration. If you power down the on-board electronics and allow it to return to ambient temperature you will find your calibration will drift out, but if powered up quickly again (if the ambient temperature has not changed too much……) it should return to near its calibration. While this is not the best outcome as I hate with a passion taking a laptop with me in the outdoors it should work as a temporary solution.
I hope this helps some of you.

Wow Jason! In depth and fits pretty much exactly with what I was coming to suspect. I have a slightly different fix that is...leave your X650 for 5 mins to acclimatize in the fly zone take off in Att mode then fly for a couple of mins in Norm to let it settle then ATT and RTH seem to work pretty well but still be ready to switch heading lock on or return to norm if the AHRS drifts again.
Jason would it be worth trying to insulate the AHRS or would it overheat? John


New Member
John, letting the "settle" is probably not doing much as the calibration itself doesn't change as long as the AHRS-S module has warmed up from being switched on and the most important thing is that the ambient temperature has not change (I would expect it would also change when moving from a shaddow to sunny location).

It is a cloudy day here today so it was an ideal time to test how the AHRS performed from a shady location to a sunny. I set up the test unit on a table outdoor and did a calibration while there was no direct sunlight (overcast) and the calibration was stable.
Within less than a minute of the sun coming out the calibration started drifting. After 2 minutes the Pitch was -15 and Roll +5. After 4min the calibration started running out of control with the 3D diagram on the AHRS page of Xaircraft Centre doing several flips per minute.
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Active Member
According to XAircraft USA, the manufacturer has finally admitted fault and has recalled all of the first version 1212-s & AHRS units. They will be replacing them with the newer "P" & V2 versions. I would contact your dealer for more info about the exchange.


^^ there's no announcement being made by XA in China for such recall :(. However, there is an ongoing upgrade program for newer FC system with substantial rebate. Here's the info.


Active Member
Jeff from XAircraft USA had a statement about the recall on the front page of his website. It is now gone. I wonder how many people flooded him with requests for recalls?



Any recent development on a possible exchange for V2 components? I've been out of commission for a couple of weeks. Since I ordered mine in late October and the little flight time I have had...I'm hoping for a replacement program that doesn't involve hundreds of dollars. Wish I would've known a newer version was in the pipe and I would've waited, I think a lot of folks are in that predicament...it is what it is though.


As far as I know the only exchange opportunity is the one linked to by Fajar. I believe this ends at the end of this month though. You can either buy the P and V2 versions for half price or exchange your S versions and pay $60 for the upgrade. shipping on both is $50.
Was told by Jingchen that there never was a factory recall. My email to XA USA regarding the recall remains unanswered.


Active Member
This seems to be correct. I know at one point Jeff at XAircraft USA posted on the front page of his website that XA would be recalling all of the 1212-S FC's & AHRS's, but it seems he has since removed that statement and is not answering calls/emails from anyone. My guess is that he was flooded with requests for recalls that the factory didn't actually honor.

Personally, I think it's a shame that they didn't recall those parts. They are obviously faulty and XA know this. Instead, their plan to resolve the matter is by selling you more gear without even proving it works (again) before hand.

I can honestly say that I will never buy another XA electronic part again. Their frames aren't so bad if that's the type you need, but they have proven time and time again that they do not test their electronics before releasing them and force their early adaptors to be paying beta testers. Being in product development, I can say that never works.


After a several month hiatus and getting back into my X650 V8 I've noticed there have been several firmware updates. I have the FC1212-S and AHRS-S with the original compass and GPS modules. I'm looking to get the latest firmware for these and see that XAircraft has released the following versions since around the beginning of the year:

XAircraft Center V1.4.1222 [12/22/2011]
XAircraft Center V1.5.0105 [01/05/2012]
XAircraft Center V1.5.0107 [01/07/2012]
XAircraft Center V1.6.0113 [01/13/2012]
XAircraft Center V1.7.0309 [03/09/2012]
XAircraft Center V1.8.0405 [04/05/2012]

My question is...should I go systematically down the list and install - reconnect hardware - save -disconnect? Or just install the latest and/or greatest? The last issue I was dealing with in flight was the yaw drift...not sure if this was ever cured in any of these updates?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


New Member
Hi - I am afraid that most of the new updates are for FC1212-P + AHRS-S V2 - not for your "old" version. The latest available firmware for the FC-1212S is 1.34 and the AHRS is 1.24.
Otherwise - i think that all updates are cumulative - it means last one should be enough for update - you don't need to do previous versions.


Active Member
The fact that they stopped supporting the S series of electronics is straight up criminal. I think I owned mine a few months before they released the P/V2 stuff. I've seen others that were sold S kits months after the P/V2 kits were out in the market, only to find out that what they bought was outdated before they even got it. Personally, I will never spend another red cent on anything with the XAircraft name on it. Lesson learned I suppose.

