Advanced @User; Tagging


Welcome to!!
You asked for it so here it is!

You can now tag a post with an @User; tag and the tagged user will get an email from the site to let them know that they've been mentioned in a post.

It's a normal function in a lot of social media sites and now you can do it here also!

To make it work you add @Username and then a semi-colon, this string of characters will generate a notification email that will be sent to the user mentioned in the post

For example [MENTION=1]Bartman[/MENTION]; needs a vacation!

From the mod explanation page

The @user Tagging mod is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.
This is done in a very easy way, very similar to how Twitter mentions people. We use @ ; as the tags, so for instance you could say:
This new mod from [MENTION=11758]Drago[/MENTION]nbyte Tech; is pretty cool.
The [MENTION=11758]Drago[/MENTION]nByte Tech;” Will become a link to the DragonByte Tech users profile, it will also inform DragonByte Tech they had been mentioned, and link to the relevant thread/post via a new area in the profile section, as well as a new tab in the shoutbox.

It also allows members to “tag” the thread for specific other members by inputting their usernames in the tag box above the posts of the thread.

Thanks to Gary Seven for making this very worthwhile suggestion!


Welcome to!!
apparently you can't tag yourself....i tried and it didn't work. :( [MENTION=5]RTRyder[/MENTION]; :)

Gary Seven

You asked for it so here it is!

You can now tag a post with an @User; tag and the tagged user will get an email from the site to let them know that they've been mentioned in a post.

It also allows members to “tag” the thread for specific other members by inputting their usernames in the tag box above the posts of the thread.

Thanks to Gary Seven for making this very worthwhile suggestion!

"Well raise my rent!" I didn't think it was possible to do, @Bartman; Congrats on the upgrade and congrats to this classy forum. This place rocks! :)</snip></snip>
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Gary Seven

[MENTION=1]Bartman[/MENTION]; Did you announce/post this as a Sticky? Maybe I missed it but I don't see this great news posted in Forum/subforum headers??

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Now this is a cool function! Let's try it out [MENTION=6460]Carapau[/MENTION] [MENTION=1]Bartman[/MENTION] [MENTION=6369]baja-king[/MENTION] umm, I can't think of anymore...

Now do me someone! :nevreness:


Welcome to!!
@Benjamin-Kenobi :)

the username has to match exactly for this to work

Lanzar used Bart instead of Bartman
baja-king used a hyphen in Ben's name where there isn't supposed to be one
@Benjamin Kenobi; @baja-king; @Lanzar;

and don't forget the semi-colon after the username to complete the tag.

IF YOU'VE DONE IT CORRECTLY THEN THE USERNAME WILL APPEAR AS A LINK IN YOUR POST TO THE USER'S PROFILE PAGE. If the names don't appear as links then you did something incorrectly.


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
It still worked even though there was a hyphen and no semi-colon. I got Baja's notification, but weirdly, not yours Bart?


Welcome to!!
hmmm, mine are working. maybe clear your cache? try a different browser? i'm using Opera browser on an iMac and it's working. will try Opera on a Win8 PC and see how that goes.



Merlin of Multirotors
apparently you can't tag yourself....i tried and it didn't work. :( [MENTION=5]RTRyder[/MENTION]; :)

Unfortunately I seldom monitor the email account that the email would have gone to so I never saw it! That account gets a notification whenever a post is made to every thread I've ever posted in and the volume of incoming mail is a bit overwhelming so I pretty much ignore it except for the occasional mass deletion of many hundreds of unread messages ;)



Welcome to!!

here it is again in case you've never heard of it.

@ user tagging, give it a try!
