Idea ???


So maybe this has been done, I dunno. Put a camera on each end of a quad. Have one of those switches that allow you to switch cameras with the radio. "NOW" the tricky part. Have one of the cameras programed some how, that the image is reversed, so that the controls on the radio stay normal, no matter which camera you have turned on. So, in other words, the front is which ever camera is active. Fly down a narrow hallway, a pipe, can't turn around, just flip the switch, and all at once, it's like you flew in from the other direction. Been done? Possible?:shame:


OK, so I'm cwazy, so how about a radio that would allow reversing of the pitch and aileron channels with the flip of 1 switch, "while" powered on. Maybe even work the video switch at the same time?:tennis:
