Gonna cry for a week !


Drone Enthusiast


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Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
if it's any consolation, the rebuild goes more quickly than the original build.
sorry to see it happen to you.
let us know how we can help :)


Drone Enthusiast
Thanks Bart !

Already cooled down. I need a good reseller or direct link to spare parts. I can't deal with a 3 weeks waiting procedure everytime I need something. Any links direction you guys can guide me towards.

Thanks Boris


Drone Enthusiast
NO NO NO NO NO NO!.. I hate seeing these I will be having nightmares again!

WTF happened..

Make a list of parts ASAP.. does KW not keep spares?



Drone Enthusiast
nope nope the AV 200 got a punch an the roll axis plates are bent, but only one of them ! I think one of the broken of booms hit it.


2 Booms broken. not totally sure didnt look under the dist board yet, if the others are okay
1 Mounting plate broken, motor broken off.
PH got a punch didnt inspect it closely yet hope thats it !
Not sure about the motors yet three of them could be gone !
Luckily no ic2 error in the MK tool, boards seem to be okay hope hope hope !

Resumee Im just an arse ! Took it on a wide yaw turn trying to make it as smooth as possible to check if the PH / Setup improved. Got to close to the trees freaked ( wasnt close to the state were i should have been flying over nighted, first day stop smoking attempt, like in clouds ) brain snapped switch in the head left is right and forward is back didn´t work (wait i did turn with it should be right), took it to the ground before hitting the trees.

Trying to take the possibly broken motors and broken booms off now without desoldering the whole damm dist board. For the new hexa I am going to rethink the whole setup, although thinking about that makes no sense this wreckage will set it back months.

KW is on vacation till the 8th of august, plus the store has none of the parts in stock. Cant deal with the items being shipped to KW first than to me etc. Might just order over the us store, although i cant deduct tax over my company. hmmm

Have it all on HD :) just cant watch it !!! Might post it later in embarrassment and if my humor returns to its max.
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I believe you'll rebuild it soon. I'm sorry you crashed. I had the same nightmare just a week ago. Lots of lessons learned like building your own spare parts is just so much cheaper. If you do so, you'll have more confidence.

And thanks to the community here, there's always a solution for the problem.


Drone Enthusiast
Sandor at Digitech is also on holiday..

Drop Geoff at Quadcopters.co.uk a mail

I know he has some stuff..



Drone Enthusiast
Thanks for the words Rebuild and take apart is already happening. Chose that way instead of some more drinks :)

Have it all taken apart already and will make a list of what i need, Luckily the dist board could stay on. I will try first the UK shop ! Thanks Dave.

Dave whats your experience should I stay with the approach i have now and keep everything on that seems okay or take it apart completly check every piece ?

Bad news AV 200 is more damage than i thought.

Its bent from head to toe, Funny how i havent even checked my camera and dont really care.

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strange that they are upside down :)


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Hi BorisS, As you know we have talked before about our AV200 problems. I have almost the same setup you do. I just crashed my MK last week on Friday. I was tweaking the trim settings on my radio and for some reason they did not kick in until a few minutes later. The MK started to YAW out of control and I had to make a quick decision due to my surroundings, so I took the MK into the trees before hitting the ground. I had to climb 15 feet up a pine tree to rip it out, then make my way back down with one hand while the MK was in the other. I broke all of my Xoar props and two gear rails on the landing gear but everything else looks and works fine so far, but have yet to make another flight with it. I could be wrong here and may have got lucky with my MK crash, but if you or other members ever need to make a crash landing and the trees around you are not crazy tall, it might be best to fly it into them instead of hitting the ground. Yes it sucks climbing trees lol, but could save you a significant amount of money if you are flying expensive gear.


Drone Enthusiast
Ill post a picture of the spares i have.. it is the whole cage and camera plate.

Sorry buddy.. OMO it aint worth trying to rebuild with out a total strip down.. I did it and tried to mke it better by only half looking at it.. My ADX flew for the first time correctly tonight.. almost 6 weeks after my crash and a whole load of wedge and heart ache!

I dont envy you your next few days!

If there is any thing I can do to help let me know.. I do have some spare boom clamps.



Active Member
That is terrible, how tragic! Even sadder is looking back & thinking of what you should have done, but hindsight is a wonderful, if annoying gift ;)
Dont beat yourself up, even if it was a stupid move, but look at it as a learning curve that you will sure not repeat again. I wrote off a trex600e, flying it where I shouldnt have been & with the sun in front of me....stupid boy! Needless to say after a few choice words & hating myself for not listening to our 6th sense...intuition, I will NEVER do that again as I know you will never make the same move again.
I would check everything out, a complete srtrip...or nearly. It will give you time to put wright anything you wasnt happy with on the original build & also to change a few things.
Good luck, chin up & in a couple of weeks she'll be in the air again.



Boriss, do you have a SD card in your NaviCtrl? If you do, please send the flight log. So talented guys here can tell us what the hell happened.


Drone Enthusiast
@ Ollie332, you are right the tress could have been the better choice, but the possibility would have also been that it finds the hole between them and flies into the cars or my garden with the family inside. Sorry to hear that you had the same experience. It would have been fun for me to climb the trees since i am afraid of height since my fall of a house roof last year :)

@Dave, if you can help me out on the AV 200 and we can arrange something i would be super happy. The AV 200 is my biggest worry and with the parts i have now bent a rebuild is not possible. The metal just softens out at the spots were its already bent in to shape.

I stripped it down to this stage now, but following your posts you had to disassemble the whole distribution board and test every BLC ?

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dont comment on the decoration in that room its my mothers counrtyside austrian farm house room


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Drone Enthusiast
Thanks Ross, I had the same thoughts like you as in now it is also the chance to do some things better/change ! Learning curve wise it had to happen your right !

ovdt, nope i stopped flying with the SD card, since several posts in the MK forum reported issues with it. As far as i know the problems werent reproduced yet by H&I since they never got a card in hands with which the problems happened. I didnt want to take the risk and my focus was more on getting smooth video footage and working out the PH AV, hahaha makes my laugh :)

I have cool footage now tough wont show it though :)


Drone Enthusiast
Anybody have a link for flat head torx titanium m3 x XX different sizes for direct order with nuts etc. The standard set for the DW frames. But can be from any shop.


Drone Enthusiast
Sandor has them all but he is on holiday!!

I am sure a quick search should find aple suppliers..

Take photos of everything you do and I would recommend you start writing down your every move, mark up your motor wires and which pads they are soldered to. Also check the way the BL's have ben allocated.. It does not alsows mean thet BL 1 is in the BL1 slot on the distribution board. I have found this invaluable.

I have amople supplies of silicone wire, that black mesh sleeving and more shrink wrap that you can shake a stich at. I have also found that buying a cheap soldering iron is false econnomy. You need one capable of 80 watts .. no less and with a selection of tips from 4mm chisel to needle point.

If the ids board is not throwing any errors dont touch it.. but buy a jewellers eye glass and check every BL VERY carefully.

I could go on for ages about my lessons learnt but I am sure there will be more help I and others can give along the way.

You sound exactly how I felt at the beginning.. I hope you fix is a smoother one than mine.. Mine consumed my life for 6 weeks! and vast quantities of €



Drone Enthusiast
Hi Dave thanks for the guidance, I will buy a new desoldering system today, cant deal with the vacuum pumps copper braid stuff anymore want everything clean as possible.

Destruction List:


2x Pair of gear rail tubes.
1x Pair Gear rail Bracket
1x Pair CF Boom 410 Heavy Lift.
1x Engine Disk 40 ABS Composite 40 engine mounts

Several Screws


The Roll Axis Cage is over and out !

Not so bad and I have found everything in stores except the 410 booms
