Server Mirgration / Temporary Downtime



Sorry for the short notice, but I will be closing the forum down in approx. 10 minutes to start the site migration to the new server. Please take this time to wrap up any postings or other task.

Downtime (depending on what part of the world you are in) can be as short as a few hours, and up to 48 hours. I apologize for this inconvenience, but when Multi Rotor Forums returns, you will notice a substantial improvement is site speed and operation.

Thank you for your patience and see you on the other side!

(PS: The existing forum will be closed. If you visit the forum and it's still closed, you are still seeing the old server. If you visit and the forum is open, you will be viewing the forum on the new server and can browse and post as you normally would.)



If you are seeing this post, you are viewing on the new server! Please report any issues here. Thank you.


Drone Enthusiast
Yippy yippy it fast!!!

Good job Mark.. now I can get to work 30mins sooner ahh had not thought about that! mmm

Brilliant.. speed now means I dont have to go and make a cuppa waitin for a post to upload!


Will test stuff out while you bunnies are sleeping

DAve :D


Oh feel the speed, thanks Mark for keeping us updated.
It feels smoother and faster here now hehe :)


Welcome to!!
i just got home after a short 3 1/2 hour flight from Texas and it's wonderful to see that Mark was able to do everything before I could even begin to stress out about it. Well done!
Thanks Mark for not only getting it done quickly but also for posting a heads-up to the community.
The site's really fast, I didn't realize just how much of a difference it would make.


Drone Enthusiast
Morning ..NOW GO TO BED BART and sleep Bart.. Ill test it all out this morning and by the time you wake ill have checked it all out

