Zero UAV zero uav x6p download problem

Tim J

I am unable to download the new fw file that I received fro zero uav I have downloaded the upgrade tool and the usb driver
followed the download instructions, but still won't work! I have used windows 7 and 8

after I open the com and open the fw file it says to restart the AP, nothing is downloaded. not sure what I'm doing wrong.
can some one please help.


flight controller off
conect usb cable
start software update program
open COM port
select file
start update
turn controller on

hope this helps


Tim J

I have done every thing you said and then some, but it won't download the fw
not sure what else to try!
usb cable seems all right when I connect to my GCS it gives all the data from the controller.

Tim J


Check the usb cable, the connector on the controller side should be in the correct position (polarity). I remember that the first time i did it, connected it inverted.
check it twice, read manuals an look videos to see the correct position.
i'm not sure, and i'm 15000 km away from my controller now, an cannot check, but i think tht in the x4, the polarity is diferent that the wifi module cable that connect in the same connector

Tim J

I have gone through the manuals and videos a few times still nothing, on the x6 it is com 1 for update.
every thing is good up until it says restart AP then there Is nothing.
I will try again tonight, to windy to fly
if you think of any thing else that I can try

Tim J


I have gone through the manuals and videos a few times still nothing, on the x6 it is com 1 for update.
every thing is good up until it says restart AP then there Is nothing.
I will try again tonight, to windy to fly
if you think of any thing else that I can try

Tim J

Ironic, i fighting the same problem right now, and just jumped on the internet to research!
You are correct, it's com 1, with white signal to the top. I have the exact same problem as you, and have tried 3 pc's with the exact same result, nothing happens after a restart.
Very frustrating, I have done two other few updates (have had it for a while), with no problem.
if you do get it to work, please post your solution, and I will do the same if I get mine to work.

Tim J

yes very frustrating not sure what to try, have removed driver and download tool and FW and downloaded again.
same thing! nothing
