Zenmuse Manual/control software now up


Drone Enthusiast
hmm for me its a clear case the restrictions are not that great, lens cam model etc. but if this is really the out come in windy to storm like conditions, I can deal with it.

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Active Member
I agree the performance is great so long as you can live with the limitations. What I was referring to is all the stuff in the manual about "set the camera to manual mode - don't use auto anything - video is not currently supported" etc.


Drone Enthusiast
Well I guess for the normal user with money it's a good solution. For the actual "professional" it will be a good setup for a job were the wind is just a given, secondary backup machine for mid to strong wind conditions and you have to deliver.

If the other direct drive gimbals will achieve the same we will see. I am not sure yet if limiting the gimbal to a certain cam and lense is really a must inordered to achieve this performance or DJI just dosent trust their users to fine tune the gimbal to different weight setups. It would go hand in hand we the limited settings they allow users to mingle with when it comes to their FC.

The truth will be there once we see users trying to get the hero 2000 to work with their Gopro or canon whatever.



Yeah the "mandatory" manual settings are a puzzler eh? I don't get it. Can anyone explain why they would be mandatory? What is the performance hit if you us Auto anything? Weird and pushing me away faster and faster...
