Zenmuse Gimbal Z15 questions please help

@Koptercam, Did you try it out? what was the outcome? I am also interested, since I have a S800/Zenmuse getting ready to run-up and request to clearance to take off..:) I am also(was) planning on using 2x6S 6000mah to get 12000mah.

Did you start off your flight with everything on default gains? before adjusting? My WKM I am using for the S800 is currently on a F550 and the gains are really low (40s) across. I know when I hit default, it all goes to 100 and I am worried that it may be jumpy on the S800. Maybe the weight and size will have a difference.


Thanks again,
ive got a few things to try tomorrow! I'll adjust the vertical gains and go for another flight :) I was thinking the exact same with the voltage monitor... this the first DJI system ive used, as i usually use Mikrokopter FC which gives me telemetry directly to my MX-20. Can you recommend a telemetry system to use for the s800?


Trouble with quality of video signal

Just getting my video out running from the GCU on the Zenmuse.

My video coming out of the gcu is very poor. Black and white and scratchy. I bypassed my video transmitter and went straight out to a video screen. Same thing. I've been messin' with it for two days. Got any ideas?

Using Panny GH-2 with rec mode in AVCHD 1080i.

Possible bad GCU video out???

Any help will help.


Drone Enthusiast
seems like there is an issue with one of the zebus components. But it doesn't have to be the GCU it can also we the HDMI converter. Did you try wiggling the HIDMI cable that go into the HDMI converter ? The converter is on the nick axis. Just to check if it the HDMI converter.



Here's what I figured out...

I wired the output of the GCU (video and ground) directly to an input jack of a 7" monitor.
Tried numerous times with different jacks/cables coming out of the GCU. If I touch the cable or don't touch the cable the signal will be scratchy black and white and very infrequently just a flash of scratchy color then gone. Also video signal momentarily cuts out. Touched/wiggled everything from the little circuit board that plugs into the camera right up to the input of the GCU. Nothing seems to make any difference.

Now the question... How can I isolate the problem from GCU all the way back to the camera? Should I replace GCU? Any ideas?

Also, Boris thanks for your help so fast. Got any other ideas?

signed: Scratchin' my head
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