Hoverfly Workshop's Hoverfly Tri-Copter


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Was just watching "American Pickers" on the History Channel and it's funny how even the shortest aerial clips jump out at me when I'm just sitting there brain dead watching TV. Even in that brain dead mode though I perked up when I realized those shots were done with the heli's that our very own Workshop has built for them, tri-copters with Hoverfly electronics.

Nicely done Workshop! We're proud of you.



Thanks Bart!

It is a T6 configuration with a custom laser cut CF frame. The photo below shows the craft outfitted with a custom 20W IR Illuminator (as bright as car headlights but invisible), a 5W IR landing light and a .05lux IR camera for totally dark night flying and surveillance.

The great thing about this craft is flexibility; it has a fixed GoPro mount and a standard hole pattern for nose mounted gimbals. There are four battery trays and I can easily fit 16,000mAh some of which on the CG for extra batteries without rebalancing.

The American Pickers crew needed something that folds flat because they travel with the principals of the show and do some production work at the current hotel and need all the space they can get in their production van. The T6 I built for them do not have the GPS stack so they are of a lower profile and, when the legs are folded, fit clamshell style together for "two copters in the place of one".

Although I have helped several television production companies bring MultiRotor technology to their stable of equipment and techniques, the American Pickers show remains one of my favorite accomplishments.


Here is a link to the build thread:

P.s. I have no idea why this forum reads my iPad photos upside down... Sorry for the head tilting.


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New Member
I am sorry if this post is in the wrong place but I need help? Hi
I have just put together my Bat bone tri copter, everything is well made and fits perfect, build went well, but I can't get any activity too my yaw servo. KK2 board says (error no yaw input), and it is true nothing happens when I move the rudder stick. The throttle is great , all esc run up together calibrated, but no Yaw servo.
Help please Herschel Dee KF4TKL



You're almost in the right place. In Multirotor Forums.com Go to:

Multi Rotor Copters (MRC's) / KK Flight Controllers Forum

And you will find KK experts to help you out. This forum is for a completely different controller so we want to help but can't because the controllers aren't similar enough. Good luck and I hope this helps. :)

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Camera Stabilization Pros
Unfortunately the crew at American Pickers is ditching the T6 due to its large size(huge for a GoPro rig), poor flight characteristics, and poor video results. It was a cool concept, but did not provide the footage we needed. We are now being equipped with up-to-date machines at a lower cost and they provide better results. Keep watching, it will get better as the year goes on. Most of the stuff you see on there now is shot from a DJI Flamewheel that RadFlight provided us with after the two T6's were not delivering.


Wow... Procam just joined MultiRotor Forums today... Sour Grapes Dude. BTW the T6 project is almost two years old... Of course anything than anybody buys today is going to be better than what somebody bought two years ago.

Check out the down website. Radflight didn't pay it's IT bill or is Out of Business! Too many crybabies in the film making business for sure... RadFlight sounds like a nursery.

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pendejo grande
Jeff, on your T6, is it as wide prop to prop as it is long oc of front arms to center of rear motor? I'm thinking of doing a y6 and wondering if rear arm can be a bit shorter than the fronts (it would fit in a peli case I have).


The T6 is a Y6 frame... The motor to motor distance is equidistant with respect to the FCB. It fits in a Parker Plastics 30x30x16 travel case.


Camera Stabilization Pros
I simply stated that we did not receive the results we needed for the show. I was not bashing the airframe, as it has got us some great shots. RadFLight has treated us good despite a few minor hickups. They were recently bought out by another company, hence the reason the website is no longer there.

Again, great concept, just poor results.


Camera Stabilization Pros
Definitely didn't mean to make anyone angry. I apologize if I offended anyone by stating our needs for a better machine. It wasn't intended for that purpose. I will post new, and better quality footage from the new machines in a new thread, as soon as it becomes available.


I call total BS and we still don't know who you are! Why would ANYBODY jump into a build thread and crap on the builder? If you DID deal with RadFlight, I know for a fact that you got an unfinished machine because they stopped using my services after all the IP part of the build was over. < Selling the business seems like a good way out.

Mike Rivard, Tim Baur and Tyler Caros cluster fudged that project after they got what they wanted from me and YOU are calling me out? Bad form... Anybody can post new and better videos than a year ago. Your apology reeks.

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Most of the stuff you see on there now is shot from a DJI Flamewheel that RadFlight provided us with after the two T6's were not delivering.

So American Pickers are using Chinese copters? Are you using Woo Kong or NAZA flight controllers? < he asked in the HoverFly forum.
