Where to buy FPV Systems in NJ


Aerial DP
this is such a niche market that unless your just trying to see and feel stuff, your gonna want to shop with one of the larger outfits, They have alot of different product and alot of support. readymade, urbandrones are a couple good ones. if you just want to see stuff in action and talk, find somebody in your area using, not selling. They usually have an opionion less biased and will be able to show you why they wished they'd have bought brandX

to find somebody, try fpvlab or rcgroups fpv section and see if anybody will let ya tag along. plane, train, car, don't matter, all uses a cam and a way to view the cam


All good advise.

Decide what your objective is, first.
If you desire to go greally out there then expect to spend some bucks to build your system.
If you are like me, not willing or can't walk far to retrieve it, ( like me ), then the system gets to be a lot cheaper.

I just tested my system out this weekend, not much to it. Camera, 200mw tx, cloverleaf antenna, symple reciever and was blown away by the range I was able to get!
