When to change rotors...


Just had my first of what will most likely be many beginner crashes today. I had a successful flight in what I consider a bit too windy for my experience. During the landing sequence, a quick gust of wind upended the copter and flipped it when the first to legs touched the ground. I was flying in an open field will low cut grass on a very soft ground due to heavy rains. Upon inspection, I noticed only one very small divit in 1 of the rotors... I mean small like half the size / width of a pencil tip. Do I need to swap this out? If not, what is a good gauge to go by as to when a swap out is necessary?


I wouldn't fly any props with any damage on any thing...

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
A small nick or divet isn't usually a concern in those plastic blades (I assume you're talking about plastic ones). Check the rest of the prop for damage and check it's shape hasn't been changed or warped. Look for fractures also.

It you can afford to replace, just replace. If you plan on crashing a bunch more, you can wait. Just stay in a nice open field away from everything whilst practising and gaining confidence.


Yeah thanks for all the insight guys. I don't PLAN on crashing anymore, but you know how that goes. I have 4 more complete sets coming, and plan on changing them as soon as they arrive. I just wanted to see if I'd risk anything structurally if I fly it again in the meantime. Yes, they are plastic and there are no stress cracks or any other damage.
