Mikrokopter Update MK 2.5


I have a droidworx 6hdl with mk's. I could not get the copter to hold in place, it would want to drift towards me and to the right. I sent it away and they updated the flt cont to mk v2.5 me and nav to 2.0 Was tested flown and shipped back to me. It is much better but still does the toilet bowl movement only now it is about a 6' circle compared to a 20' circle before when in gps/ah. Compared to my DJI copters that are tight, is this the best I can expect from the MK? I don't remember it being this far out when I first bought it almost 4 years ago.


Heavy Lifter
There are a ton of factors that need to be considered to properly tune a MK system. Toilet bowling is very common in a copter that's got magnetic interference of some sort, such as from improperly-run LiPo wires, or from balance issues. These things are not plug and play, but when you invest the time, it's a solid system.


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nice to see you're still here participating. my experience with MK has been that it will hold in the craziest of winds but you must put the GPS Gain setting on a slider and be able to make adjustments to it while you're flying. On a normal slider adjustment I use maybe 5 or 6 clicks of adjustment total so it's very sensitive but it makes all of the difference between having the heli rock solid in a brisk wind to calm and stable in slack air.....it'll do both on any given day but adjusting GPS Gain while flying makes all the difference.


thanks for the info, I have never heard of the lipo thing before! I will try the slider adjustment and get someone to help me set that up. I know it has been better in the past, I thought by sending it away to a MK dealer it would have been better!!


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in MK tool assign a POTI or channel to the GPS Gain, assign that channel in your radio to a slider. center the slider when you take off and the make small corrections. once it starts to toilet bowl though you'll have to stabilize it and then let it go again, it won't really stop circling on its own without some assistance.


Do you have the external Compass module installed?

On Copters from a certain Powerlevel you need to move the Compass away from the electronics.
This solved the toilet bowl effect for me that i suffered the more powerusage/weight i had.

The most common reason for the toiletbowl effect is compass influence due to EMV from the BL Controllers. You can easily check this by holding your MK on the ground while giving thrust to your engines. Monitor the Magnetic field Value, it should not change more then -+5 ...


//edit: typo!
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.........The most common reason for the toiletbowl effect is compass influence due to EMV from the BL Controllers. You can easily checking this by holding your MK on the ground while giving thrust to your engines. Monitor the Magnetic field Value, it should not change more then -+5 ...

that's a good tip Meph, thanks
