Aeronavics / Droidworx Turning the XM6 into a Y6?

Anyone built the XM6 as a Y6? I'm in the middle of building the XM6 and it crossed my mind to build it as a coaxial. Thoughts?



Check out Bartman's. I fly one too and they are really nice. You just don't use the front and rear arms of a hex and make the remaining 4 coax. I know they work with HFP and MK FC's.


Drone Enthusiast
I have the xy8 and it is the most convenient of sizes and you will never get a prop in view with the camera facing forward. Ben it would compliment your flat octo the best vthe y6 is nice but why not take advantage of 8 motors if you are doing this professionally? And the Hoverfly handles the asymmetry flawlessly.


Hi Ben! Worth giving it a go...! I like the xy8 suggestion... You would need coax engine mounts though - bummer, if I'd known I could have added them to the package today! Let us know what you decide...



It dawned on me after I posted this that coaxial may not be an option with the retracts. What's the word on that one, Linda? THANKS!

The long and short answer to that question is… maybe. The retracts come with a small electronic device which is in-line between the servo and the receiver…it runs the servo to 188-190 degree’s. We can achieve a “lock out” in the mechanism so the servo drive does not carry any load when the craft is sitting on its legs – more downward pressure will try and force the mechanism harder against its mechanical stops. The same applies in the retracted position, gear up, the mechanism is locked against itself and no load is carried on the drive servo. You CANNOT adjust the end points for the retract with the electronic device installed.

Theoretically you can run the retracts without the custom servo driver and get the lock out in the “gear down” position and then drive the retracts to a specified end point (travel) so they do not fully extend (the servo’s native throw is 160 degree’s). This way you can fit retracts to a coax and make sure that legs only travel to within say…50mm from the bottom props. You would want to be pretty darn sure that you got your end points right before you take off and flick the “gear up’ switch… :cold:

The only issue I see with this is, the retracts in the ‘gear up” position will not be locked in the mechanism and the down force of thrust on the legs will be pushing against the servo. Which incidentally is a 12KG servo - `the legs are aerodynamically designed to cause minimal drag in the thrust flow. It may not be an issue – and it is definitely worth a try. The “Extended Retract Assembly” weighs 540 grams – these are super light, and very robust. We have a giant SJ8 with 4120/20 engines using a prototype beta test set carrying an FS700 Sony (a 5 KG camera) …; no worries.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions – with regard to delivery dates – we have had the first batch of production parts in the warehouse for about three weeks – but we were not happy with the tolerances of some of the machined components – we have re-ordered the parts, plus made a small modification – from another engineering firm. The delay is annoying, and we apologize for the inconvenience, but in the end the product will be worth the wait.

Cheers Rob.

Can you tell me whats
about the coax mounts to the normal mounts?
I thought they were just the same but with the added motor mount plate on the bottom instead of the carbon fiber one?


Can you tell me whats
about the coax mounts to the normal mounts?
I thought they were just the same but with the added motor mount plate on the bottom instead of the carbon fiber one?

Pretty much Ryan - though since on the SkyJib mounting with the larger motors was a bit tight we have designed some specific disks - are being manufactured now and will be available in about two weeks - see drawing:

View attachment 7749


  • SkyJib Coax.jpg
    SkyJib Coax.jpg
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Re. the retracts in conjunction with coax configurations:

This is a 3D CAD markup of the Retracts at the 160 degree position - any further and the LG skids contact the props (15" props shown here). The end points can be further adjusted to offer slightly more clearance under the props.

Images attached.

Regards Rob.

View attachment 7750View attachment 7751View attachment 7752View attachment 7753


  • SJ X4 Retract 160 degree -1.jpg
    SJ X4 Retract 160 degree -1.jpg
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  • SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-2.jpg
    SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-2.jpg
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  • SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-3.jpg
    SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-3.jpg
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  • SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-4.jpg
    SJ X4 Retract 160 degree-4.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 316
