Turnigy 9XR Firmware? Which One?


I am trying to set up a new 450 clone. Using a KK2 board. I have one clone setup already and flying with my Taranis 9x. No issues setting that radio up with DR/Expos.

This Turnigy 9xr is giving me fits..:) Could use a little nudge here. It seems that there are two versions of firmware. The eepeinstall.exe and the Open TX Companion. When I flash
with the Open TX companion the menu screens 1-11 are not right according to all the how to flash a Turnigy 9xr video's. The er9x flash's
and the screens are just like all the video's.

Initially I tried to use the Companion software and tried to set up the DR/Expos but when I tried to fly the quad it was so sensitive that
there was no way I could even hover it. Sticks were literally out of sight sensitive. I had set the P-Gains to 45 and I-Gains to 25 on the KK 2 board.

I guess what I really need to know is which one of the firmware's is the right one?...:

Thank you
