TBS Disco with a Walkera G-2D Gimbal


I wanted to let you know I have just finished fitting a Walkera G-2D brushless gimbal to a TBS Discovery and it works a treat.

Fitting was fairly straight forward after working out how and where to mount it and the electronics control unit is a piece of cake to set up.

HK had them on special for $120.00 with free postage!!

If anyone's interested I can post some pics and a short video I shot in the back yard testing it last week

I would be interested in seeing some pictures! Couple of questions as well since I am thinking of putting a zenmuse on mine (or maybe a tarot)

1) Flight time? Before and After? I get like 25 min now...
2) Battery Size?
3) Noticeable differences in flight other than losing a little pep due to weight?
4) Did you install a video switch?
