Spektrum DX6i and the Naza M and GPS settings


Unfortunately a nooby here (sorry...). I have just ordered my Flamewheel F450, Naza M controller, and Naza GPS. I currently have a Spektrum DX6i, and I have watched and read about setting up the DX6i for Failsafe and RTH etc.......so I know that is possible. My question is.......what about the IOC (Intelligent Orientation Control)? Since I am so new i fear that i will need the Course Lock and Home Lock features of the IOC to help me control my F450 if it gets so far away that I can't tell which way it is facing.....any thoughts would be appreciated.......I guess I might be putting the cart before the horse, but I can't wait till the UPS guy comes and I can get started into this hobby.......

For RTH you need a receiver that supports configurable fail safe settings. The basic 6 channel spektrum receivers don't. I think the cheapest one that does is a AR7010, that's what I'm using. I know that wasn't your question but just hope I can save you from possibly ordering the wrong receiver. RTH is awesome when you're losing it but I've tried the home lock, thought I'd like it, but I couldn't really use it. I turn towards whatever I'm flying (heli/multi) if you turn just a dew degrees even then forward isn't forward anymore, it's slightly off so I don't know how people use it.
good luck, you'll love the f450


I have pretty much the same setup. I have been flying in attitude or GPS mode mostly and have only just started using the IOC mode. It is pretty cool and makes things easier/makes you look like a boss to onlookers, but sometimes the GPS is not perfect and it cannot be relied on too heavily.

I am no expert but if you fly with IOC off to start with you will get the hang of orientation pretty quickly - just don't take it too far away.


Unfortunately a nooby here (sorry...). I have just ordered my Flamewheel F450, Naza M controller, and Naza GPS. I currently have a Spektrum DX6i, and I have watched and read about setting up the DX6i for Failsafe and RTH etc.......so I know that is possible. My question is.......what about the IOC (Intelligent Orientation Control)? Since I am so new i fear that i will need the Course Lock and Home Lock features of the IOC to help me control my F450 if it gets so far away that I can't tell which way it is facing.....any thoughts would be appreciated.......I guess I might be putting the cart before the horse, but I can't wait till the UPS guy comes and I can get started into this hobby.......

i have a dx6i controlling a naza and you can get (sort of) all modes.
I have 2 switches that get me either all 3 control modes OR 2 control modes + RTH (haven't found a way to get all 4 yet)
and another 2 switches control IOC on/off and which mode HL or CL.
RTH FS is also programmed in the event of tx loss.

the new assistant and fw helps with its switchable drop down for man/atti/rth

can you post your.settings? I want to be able to do IOC with my dx6i.

i have a dx6i controlling a naza and you can get (sort of) all modes.
I have 2 switches that get me either all 3 control modes OR 2 control modes + RTH (haven't found a way to get all 4 yet)
and another 2 switches control IOC on/off and which mode HL or CL.
RTH FS is also programmed in the event of tx loss.

the new assistant and fw helps with its switchable drop down for man/atti/rth


can you post your.settings? I want to be able to do IOC with my dx6i.

I have a similar setup (F450, Naza M, GPS, Dx6i, AR7010). I use a camera gimbal, so with only six channels I can't get IOC, so I can't advise you on setting that up.
I can however give you the setting I use to get all 4 flights modes. I use GEAR and MIX like this:
GEAR 0 + MIX 0 = manual
GEAR 1+ MIX 1 = fail safe
GEAR 0 + MIX 1 = attitude
GEAR 1 + MIX 0 = GPS
Settings are:
GEAR up 82% - GEAR down 79%
GEAR up 7
RATE D -97% U -60%

Hope this helps :)


i have the IOC features running on the elev and flap switches in combination.
flap at 0 means IOC off and 1 turns it on
the elec switch controls which mode (CL or HL) is operational if IOC is on

in the trav adjust for flap up I have 85% and flap down 104%
in subtrim the flap is set to +17
in flaps i have flaps norm down 90 and flaps land up 85 with both elev values 0
in mix 2 i have:
flap> flap act
rate d 0% U-105%
sw ele D/R trim act

i got this working sort of by accident after playing around with the settings after getting most things working from a tutorial
i don't really know what a lot of those settings actually do (!)
if you can't get it working i'll record a vid of each of the setting displays on the dx6i and post that for you


New Member
3 flight modes, fail safe and IOC with DX6i

Look at this post (deleted).
It details how to add 3 switches to the transmitter (soldering required). Run the cables as described to the other existing switches (see the schematic). Then edit the mixes on the remote. So this is effectively similar to other solutions where toggling a number of switches will give you the different modes. This works great. I've also uploaded my video of this mod on my own remote.
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New Member
I'm pretty sure he's fixed it now, that post was from 1 year ago!

Yeah I hope. When I search for this subject on search engines this thread is up there at the top, and it was one I found when I realised I'd bought the wrong remote last year. Don't know why today I decided to update the thread! I was nosing inside the remote, had my camera handy....


New Member
Equipment settings Spektrum DX6i (transmitter) + AR610 (reciever) to full the work with the controller DJI NAZA-M V2
Model type - PLANE

THRO 100% AILE 100%
ELEV 100% RUDD 100%
GEAR 76% FLAP 79 %

+++SUB TRIM+++

******** FLAP *** ELEV
NORM 100 *** 0
LAND 100 *** 0

RATE D -97% U -60%

RATE D -94% U 0%

--------------- IOC -----------------

OFF :: FLAP 1 :: AIL D/R 0
Course Lock :: FLAP 1 :: AIL D/R 1
Home Lock :: FLAP 0 :: AIL D/R 1
Home Lock :: FLAP 0 :: AIL D/R 0

--------- Flying Control ---------
Manual :: GEAR 0 :: MIX 0
Attitude :: GEAR 0 :: MIX 1
GPS :: GEAR 1 :: MIX 0
Failsafe :: GEAR 1 :: MIX 1

------------ Screenshots settings -------------------

