Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib Super-6 Ti-QR Center of Gravity


I am having a hard time finding the Z axis of the center of gravity on the new QR model with the batteries mounted up on the cage. Any ideas? I would love to have someone from Droidworx give me a idea what they are finding as their COG on the new QR models but it seems like they do not monitor this forum.


I am having a hard time finding the Z axis of the center of gravity on the new QR model with the batteries mounted up on the cage. Any ideas? I would love to have someone from Droidworx give me a idea what they are finding as their COG on the new QR models but it seems like they do not monitor this forum.

I think I discovered the z axis using a method where you tip the MR forward on the tip of the landing gear. You tip it forward until it reaches that point where it is in between falling forward and falling back. You then go straight up to where the point intersects and mark that as the cog z axis. I flew it today using that method and it worked pretty well.

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