Show what you shot with a GoPro


Active Member
With so much high end stuff out there now, this is a place to show the lower end of the camera market results.
I was shooting some clip ideas for the upcoming latest North Cyprus production that will be shot with the Zemuse/S800 and guess what I got attacked by birds. I was not sure if the wobble was the result of the birds flying above or an actual contact but I landed to check it out as I was over the water. I was flying with a damaged prop. so GoPro was not happy.
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Active Member
This first one is not from the air, but my first attempt at time lapse photography.

And this is my most recent GoPro FPV video.

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Drone Enthusiast
Kilby, as all of us have discovered the timelapse can only get a pro result using full manual. When the gopro's AF constantly tries to adjust each shot they come out differently, causing this. I have looked into the little bramper as it is just the tool for getting smooth timelapses with light changes such as sunsets.
It gets expensive to do it right. But it makes you appreciate more of what goes into those 2 second sunset shots.
