Retracts not working


slowllllly making progress on my tarot 650s build and I just hooked up the retracts for the first time. I hooked the servi cable from the retract controller to the gear location of the receiver. Initially nothing was happening so I flipped the sevo cable end on the receiver from top to bottom and got a response. I tempoarily soldered the power cable from the retract controller directly to the distribution board. Parallel to one of the esc.

MyProblem is either only 1 leg will function at a time or, more often, neither won't function at all. You just hearing a clicking sound and then nothing. The light on the retract controller flashes when I hit the switch. Am I doing something wrong or are the retracts defective.

What brand of retracts. Several different brands have different arming sequences, and some may need to have an arms polarity reversed.


What brand of retracts. Several different brands have different arming sequences, and some may need to have an arms polarity reversed.

From tarot. The ones that come with the 650 sport. Uses TL8X002 controller. Uses a 1/8" or so diameter screw to operate. I think I've figured out the problem but just not 100% on how to fix it. It seems like a mechanical problem. When the screw is fully retracted (landing gears in the up position) the screw tightens so hard to the nut that it locks it self in place and when you flip the switch to go the opposite direction, the motors aren't strong enough to get them out of that locked position. My initial thought was to put a small o-ring at that end so it won't fully tighten. I'm guessing there is no way to modify the speed of the motors?
