Remote gain adjustment


I was reading the features of a multirotor flight controller and one of them says:

"Supports Remote Gain Adjustment from the Transmitter"

what is this? what does it do? is it important?

If you switch your FC into manual (which is not really recommended) you can set it up to change the gain settings when in manual. Usually if switching to manual you want to dial down the gains so the craft isn't so reactive.


But u can just set the max degrees u want it to tilt so its no so sensitive that is easier than the gains


Gain, as I understand it, is the amount of reaction you get from the craft for a given amount of stick input. A low gain means a small reaction to a large stick movement; high gain is a large reaction to a small stick movement. Or... look at it as a control input multiplier. Flying in windy conditions usually requires a higher gain than calm conditions. You need more power to do the same maneuvers while fighting the wind.
