Wonder if anyone can offer some advice on best practise for failsafe receiver settings?
So in the event of loss of communications between the radio and my S800 I want it to come to a halt/RTH
I'm thinking, A, E, and R set to centre stick with T set to a point just below hover.
IOC will be set to OFF
the RTH function switch to ON
What should I set the Flightmode switch to?
In the event of a flyaway, it looks like the first action should be to switch out of GPS and into either Atti or Manual to attempt to regain control, but in the event of a straightforward loss of communications I want it to stop and return to home.
So, what's the best receiver failsafe setting for the Flightmode channel?
So in the event of loss of communications between the radio and my S800 I want it to come to a halt/RTH
I'm thinking, A, E, and R set to centre stick with T set to a point just below hover.
IOC will be set to OFF
the RTH function switch to ON
What should I set the Flightmode switch to?
In the event of a flyaway, it looks like the first action should be to switch out of GPS and into either Atti or Manual to attempt to regain control, but in the event of a straightforward loss of communications I want it to stop and return to home.
So, what's the best receiver failsafe setting for the Flightmode channel?