quad + motor start and delay


New Member
Hi everybody, im new to this forum and new to multirotors too. I seeking some help and i believe you can help me. I did a lot of research by my self but there are some things i can't figure it out.

ok...so...my quad is makeing me crazy...i did all the research and everything and didn't came up with a good solution.

1. My 4. motor has a 20% throttle delay
2. Motors start only in ARM mode (AUX1 high position), i can't start them in horizon/stable mode (AUX1 medium position). But when i start them in ARM mode my board just kind of resets himself in a few seconds..why?
3. can't get the gimbal servos right. if i want to enable gimbal, do i have to enable #GIMBAL mode also or just the #define TILT_SERVO?

I have the multiwii pro board with gps (Atmega2560) and using multiwii 2.2
