Prop washers; glue to prop for balancing?


On my f450 I've been using nylon washers to make up for the shorter hubs used on 10" APC's and Graupners. The inner diameter of the washer is bigger than the 8mm hub, so they're a little loose and the like to to sit under the nut not-quite-centered.

I was thinking recently about how little material I sometimes have to add/remove to balance the hub side of the props, and realized these off-centered washers could be negating my efforts. I am thinking about gluing the washer to prop, then balance with it on. Does this sound hokey? I remember prop nut/washer threads in the past - perhaps there is something better to be using. Nyloc nuts are great and all, but I'm worried about stripping the aluminum on the motor, and about their extra weight.

This may seem nit-picky, but under heavy payloads I've still had some on-camera vibration even with Graupners and I'm trying to go the last 5% of the way to perfection.
