Orientation control on Naza M reversed controls - Why?


After several nice flights earlier today using the course lock. Just now I flew, and when I activated the courselock the right stick was reversed. landed fine, but I'm intrigued.


It's funny that you mentioned this. I flew with Intelligent Orientation Control activated. It works fine once you launch it in the direction that you will fly it. Right will be right, left will be left, up is up and down is down. Now if you fly your craft behind it's launch point the controls are reversed. I didn't expect that during one of my flights and almost put my Y6 into a tree. I used the go home feature to stabilize the craft until I got my bearings straight.

IOC can be very confusing until you fully understand it.
Also one of the modes will stop functioning when your MC gets within 10 meters of its original launch point.
Remember that in Home lock, pulling back on the right stick brings the MC back home.
Course lock means that the typical front of the MC, i.e., red legs no longer have to be the front. This is handy for aerial video work where you want the camera to aim sideway while flying forward.
