Tau Labs OpenPilot custom mixer table


Defies Psychics
I'm going to put my CC board in a bi-copter and it looks like I'll need a custom mixer setup. There is currently no information in the wiki to setup custom mixing.

What are the number ranges? +- 100? +- 64? +-50?


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I'm going to put my CC board in a bi-copter and it looks like I'll need a custom mixer setup. There is currently no information in the wiki to setup custom mixing.

What are the number ranges? +- 100? +- 64? +-50?

Range is -127/+127 - the table editor will constrain you within that range unless I made a mistake ;)


I'm going to put my CC board in a bi-copter and it looks like I'll need a custom mixer setup. There is currently no information in the wiki to setup custom mixing.

What are the number ranges? +- 100? +- 64? +-50?

Range is -127/+127 - the table editor will constrain you within that range unless I made a mistake ;)


Very interesting, because OpenPilot is a community project we have a Milestones file in the root of the code repository, its a bit of fun and also history of the project and who did what first.

The rules are simple it needs to be unique in the project (like a bi-copter) and there must be video.

The file is here:


Hope that link works. There are many other Milestones we have not thought of yet

Once we know what the mixer table values should be, we can add a preset for a Bi Copter.

Your best bet would be to post in the OP forums with a picture of your frame and a description of all the actuators and how it is controlled. I think I know but it would be good to know. Basically that gives us athe forward model (how motor maps to roll, pitch, yaw, thrust) and we can then invert that matrix to get your mixer.


Defies Psychics
Yes, I will do that when I get a little further along. I'm not planning to control it by motor tilt like the other bi-copters that I have seen.

You must be moving something though or how will you manage pitch or perhaps roll depending on how the blades are? Or am I being thick.


Defies Psychics
Swash plates?

I'm going for a bi-copter that just happens to have a wing shaped body.

IOW, A twin tractor prop VTOL flying wing. I'm not sure what the control surfaces or wing will ultimately look like. For now I'm going with two motors on a couple sticks and elevons. I'll design the wing around it after I get it hovering.
