Noobee Doobee Dooo


Hi all, Thought i'd introduce myself as it only seems polite to do so before I may need to pick some of your brains ;)

Ok where do I start. I know the beginning might be a good place.. Ok I first got into Multi rotors after i saw a mate with a Parrot Ar Drone. But me being me thought Nah Thats too small, I want something BIGGER.... Anyway having absolutely Zero RC experience , I forked out for a ready to Fly/ Crash BumbleBee quad i found on Ebay.. That lasted Oooh about 5 mins i think before embedding itself into the ground from a great height..:livid: Oooops..
Then decided to build one myself... In the words of a Mr J.Clarkson, "How Hard can it be?"
Anyway I managed it and built a not to shabby folding 800mm Hexa using the Rabbit Flight board.. Needless to say was feeling pretty chuffed with myself.. Flies great and even survived a dunking in the River... I however was nearly washed away retrieving it :frog:
Anyway since then ive been through a few different Multi's Quads, Tri's ,Hex's and now Ive progressed up to a monster Octo 1100mm with Tigers, Wookong and Av130 combo, And getting more hooked every day..
So just saying a quick hello to all you guys and gals who like me think these things are the doggies danglies..

