New Octo II for sale


I have assembled OCTO II that i am going to sell.
What is it worth is the question.
Octokopter Base Kit $2.075.00
2 Hyperion Batterys $250.00 Plus 1 new Polyquest 4S
Droidworkx Landing gear $220.00
MK3Mag-Compass Module $99.45
Navi control $167.00
GPS $105.95
Gps shield $ 21.35
Motor angle adaptors. $24.00
LED lights $4.27
ARCH $19.34 Like rocom
My Octo II Assembaled $ 2,986.36
Labor to assemble $ ??????
Options to add: MD 2 Camera Gimbal $ 449.00 will sell with this kit for $ 225.00
Xbee's $ 189.99
Discount $ ????
Total Price $
Have little extra stuff to go with it like the two sets of props and stock landing gear exc.
I have a buyer that would like a price.


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So you don't want to sell just want to know what to charge? Compare your kit with other Ready To Fly MK's and figure out how valuable your time is. Shop hours can be as high as $130 so RTFs cost substantially more than kits.

Why cut the cost of your camera mount when including it with the kit? These take time to build and calibrate.
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It is for sale.
I have a guy that wants to buy it but said he could get his guy that builds multikoptes to do it for 50.00 an hour.
The question that i would like to have answered is how many hours does it take for a guy that builds them all the time to build one.
No one has been able to answer this question.

It is for sale.
I have a guy that wants to buy it but said he could get his guy that builds multikoptes to do it for 50.00 an hour.
The question that i would like to have answered is how many hours does it take for a guy that builds them all the time to build one.
No one has been able to answer this question.

I have built quite a few of these copters Greg, and I can say that it takes me quite a bit of time. I guess the amount of time it takes someone else, all comes down to the builder and how well it was built. If I wanted to rush through a build (which I never would), I gues it could be done it approx 4-6 hours. That would be just assembling the frame, motors, installing boards and soldering everything up. I can only imagine that problems would certainely arrise from a rush build like that though.

For my own builds like this one here
I would guess it took me approx 16-20 hours possibly longer. However I am very picky on my builds, and I pay very close attention to detail. I Cover all my wireing and ensure that there are no parts that could rub through. I use allot of heat shrink and take quite a bit of time when soldering. When using metal fastners I use locktite and make sure not to se too much. Allot of time is spent on Radio and FC Configuration. I really take my time making sure all functions on my transmitter are correct, ensuring I wont have anything weird happen on my test flights. After all that is done, I put the props on and begin the test flights and tuning of my FC settings. All in all, It takes a good 3-4 days of focus and work, to get a copter built from scratch and into the air fully tested. That 3-4 days is with all components laying in my shop and on a build I have done a few times all ready. If it were all new components (like switching to a new FC that I hadnt used before), Then it would probably take me allot longer to get everything to an A+ setup (along with alot of headaches that come with a new build hehehe). Now that I think about it, I spend a bit of time going back and forth to the field for test flights and tuning. Heck, I guess you could rack up a quick 8 hours in just test flights and going back and forth. When delivering a new copter to a client, I spend quite a bit of time in test flights alone. Making sure it is fully tested and carring the weight that it will be flying. This way I am 100% confident when handing it over to its new owner. To give you an idea of time spent on test flights, The last copter I gave to a client had 120 min on the FC. That was 2 hours of pure flying just for testing and set up. That did not include the actual build.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on. I am not sure if that answered your question, But hopefully it gave you an Idea of the time involved.


If that is rambaling on.
Let me know because i would love to listen anytime.
Thank you for answer i have been looking for ror a realy long time.
Thankyou SIR
