NEW Florida LAW


Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill that says drones cannot be used to record video or take pictures of people or their property.
Soooo, technically, I'm breaking the law, when I fly my quad up and down my street, while my GoPro is filming, because I haven't gotten permission from the people on my street. So silly. I say HA! Go ahead, and make me a criminal for having fun!
And here is a comment from another person on another forum:
"This law is already worthless. Back in the beginning of aviation a law suit was filed by a farmer who said his cow quit giving milk because the airplanes scared it as they flew overhead. The argument went all the way to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that you own your land but you do not own the air space above that land. All this law does is prove the cluelessness of our elected officials. Its an unenforceable law just passed as a political talking point to public pressure. It eventually will be at the steps of the Supreme Court and the out come will be the same. You have the expectation of privacy inside your home. Once out under mother natures roof you do not."
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Old Man

Active Member
I believe there are already federal laws covering reasonable levels of privacy on the books. States can't trump those laws without grounding their police helicopters.

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