NEED help pls!!!!!!

joem rivera

New Member
i recently bought a qav250 from space one.perchased the 7 piece frame kit,space one esc's and motors from space one,open pilot cc3d with spectrum ar8000 and spectrum dx7s.Try to fly it indoor the quad just lift the front portion of the quad after the full trhottle the quad just keeps on spinning.pls help.Here is my set up.


The first thing i would do is go back and reprogram the flight controller. Remove props and prop nuts. Using a carpenters level resting on the motor stems diagonally (if possible, if not do parallel) and shim up the quad until it is dead level. Make sure there is enough room for you usb cable to connect to the controller without contacting the quad. Your controller should be shock mounted securely with double sided tape or Kyosho zeal. Make sure the controller arrow is forward and the mounted parallel to the craft. Carefully go through the open pilot model setup. Be sure your motor start up levels are accurate. I would not recommend flying indoors. Grass and turf is softer.


Make sure 100% the motors are turning the proper direction then make sure the correct props are on the motors after you do the above.


I guess we all assume you have downloaded the software for open pilot. If not, you must do that. After the quad setup, continue with the transmitter setup. This stuff takes patience. I am fairly new at this so i can relate to the frustration. The open pilot controller is a good controller, hang in there.
