Naza USB Cable


i lost my NAZA usb cable... are the commercially available cables for PC/portable hard drives compatible with the naza? thanks...

Hi fayrwerks
I use one from a mobile phome. The wire is longer and much more soft than the one provided by dji.
So yes you can use a none dji branded USB cable.

I filed the small lock tabs flat on the micro USB that goes into the VU. So it wont lock/bind int the VU plug.


Thank you.... ChristianC.... i'm sweating cold here expecting the worst... thank you... for what mobile phone would that be?

Assuming that it is the same cable as is supplied with the WKM.....and it would make sense from an economy of manufacture point-of-view that it is....then it is a Standard USB-to-Micro USB cable. You can find them all over.

Even my local supermarket has them.

