Naza, Gear switch , Dx8 and failsafe problems/confusion!

[Solved] Naza, Gear switch , Dx8 and failsafe problems/confusion!

I am having issue with failsafe landing on blue with the gear switch. Cant get it to move at all on the slider actually. Only x1 on assist moves when gear switch is toggled.

Jr recieverR921x to IMU

Gear= x1
Aux 1= U
Aux 2 = x2

My flap switch 0,1,2 work correctly with GPS, A, M. (All Blue when toggled)

Did bind for failsafe, I set Throttle on 25%, gear switch= 1.
Partial success, Turn off receiver and throttle moves to 25%.

Gear switch does nothing. The more I mess the with DX8 the more confused I get. Now my mind is blasted and I may be over looking something.

How do I get gear switch to move into failsafe in assist? DO I have to do something in mix for gear switch?

I had it working in past, just reset my tx and now I forget how I did it.

All input appreciated greatly as I am very new to the hobby and recent upgrade to dx8 from dx6.
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Try a pre-set fail safe procedure for switch locks which is what I did.

I have my F-mode switch for M-ALT-GPS & my trainer switch behind mixed to failsafe when I'm in GPS on the F-mode switch. I binded with the F-mode switch in position 3 (GPS) and the trainer switch flipped (RTH-failsafe)

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I got it finally. Needed to mix gear to aux1, similiar to the video below. Posting for my future reference or noobs like me.

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