National Parks RC Aerial photography policies


New Member
Great response--and I agree with you. If we're gonna win this thing we need to have a voice--because you just KNOW some bureaucrats or politicians are going to make a big stink about this "drone issue".
Sounds like we're planning some sort of attack or something. What bothers me is that the RC pilot idiots are setting us up for a big fight….and rightfully so. There are some areas that should be off limits to RC machines. Im okay with that. THe problem is created when Beavis and Butthead fly through fireworks in NYC because its cool, fly above the Prismatic Springs in Yellowstone or fly into the path of oncoming planes--it just means every friggin "suit" out there is going to get pissed at ALL of us. I want to use unmanned aircraft for commercial purposes, but its a no no. And only a policy at this point. That will change Im afraid as well. There should be a push for allowing commercial use of RC multi-rotors.

Bottom line. Fly smart. Have the foresight to sense when locations could be hazardous to anyone…or property. I remember being at a Buffalo Bills game many years ago and at half time they had a demonstration of RC machines. One was a model flying lawn mower….really. This thing flew in fast circles inside the stadium as everyone oohed and aaahed. Then the sucker went haywire, the pilot lost control and the lawn mower flew into the crowd, killing a 12 year old child. Who the $#!&* thought that flying around and near 80,000 people was a good idea? Even I thought this idea was a little risky, even before the accident. Headline news: RC FLYING MACHINE KILLS 12 YEAR OLD. (great…just what we need)

It's obvious that they couldn't pin anything on you for flying in that Park. Thats a good thing that you forced them into trying. But that could very easily change, (thats what I fear--and need to stand up to) and when it does, it won't be the govt. trampling on our rights if people or places are continuously harmed (or killed) because of dumb asses flying potentially lethal multi-rotor crafts (because the pilot has an IQ of 20) into the flight path of an oncoming plane--or crashing it into the windshield of a car on some highway.

If we fly smart, we got a chance to win the fight.
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