My Hex drifts what setting do I adjust?


DJI 550 with Naza light and Futaba radio system it will drift slightly and sometimes not all it will travel 10 feet in any direction it chooses when in GPS mode. Which of the settings do I adjust in the Naza assist? Thanks in advance.

First off, I think it's just the Naza lite. I had one and it just plain sucked.
The "lite" is basically an old version of the Naza stuck on OLD firmware that is not precise. Hence the price.
I fought with a lite on a 600mm frame for 2 weeks , ripped it off put on a normal Naza V1 with GPS and had no issues.

The only thing that might help you a little is the GPS magnetic declination. You need to set your GPS to the degree it tells you to here:

Most of Canada is -15 - -18deg, so you are going to have to twist your GPS quite a bit!


I live in the Vancouver area where temperature rarely gets below 32 degrees and at this time I would like to get what I have working properly. I'll try that website you posted thanks for your help.

I meant -15 to -18 compass degrees... it will tell you which way is - and +.

Also Vancouver is very nice! Traveled there several times. Also Toronto and Quebec City... all the cities i’ve been too have been very nice!


Thanks for the compliments Sleepy I see what you mean about degrees. I do adjust the GPS to take care of toilet bowl effect maybe it just needs a little tweaking to set it right.


Unfortunately this seems to be caused by the Naza Lite. I had one on my F550 and it exhibited the same behavior that you describe. I switched it out for a Naza V2 and the issue went away.

I have the same issue with all my Naza's, which are V1, but it is far more pronounced on the 550.
It will drift on initial take off and at the end of a forward run but eventually settles down to the spot it originally should have.
I can minimize it by going slow but on abrupt stops it's drifts as much as 5-6 feet, then returns.
I have attributed it to the fact that most GPS are said to be accurate to only 3 meters. It's way better then that.
