Multirotors Battery Tips Part 3


This is the PART 3 of the video about the batteries for the Multirotors.

In this part I explain what happened with the battery A and put it to Test on the Cinestar 6.

Remember that both batteries A & B they are new batteries , that just arrived from HK for this tests.

Battery A have a CELL with some problems , and we saw what was this problem BEFORE start using the battery.

This is something that you need to be aware off , when receiving new batteries !

Hope You guys Enjoy this PART 3

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Would just like to say thanks for the battery series, I thought I was the only unlucky guy to receive bad Turnigy batteries (as you say its not worth sending them back). I have been lucky so far with the Zippys'.
Regards - Bruce

Thank you very much for a very informative series of video. Very much like myself, I would like to point out that english probably isn't your primary language therefore this is a step higher in the difficulty level. Anyone may want to imagine their performance describing such technical discussion in spanish will understand the extra difficulty involved here.

Honestly, congratulations for a very well done job! I learned from it and I am sure that most people who listen to the 3 videos learned as well. You outlined very nicely the discrepancy between 2 identical batteries from the same company, which will make the difference between a successful flight and a crash! The knowledge you are transmitting can absolutely save a lot of MR!

I will definitely get the gadget transmitting EACH cells performance airborne. It is a must!

Very much looking forward to your next video!

Best regards and thanks,


Got a bad 4000Mah 4S compact Zippy today from HK, one dead cell out of 4 (Cell no. 2), they make you jump through hoops by asking for proof with photos of warranty sticker and voltage readings etc then you have to send it back anyway, whats the point why go to the trouble when you have to send it back?
Regards - bruce


That's the big drawback from ordering from overseas. They kill you with shipping in the first place and then when they make it hard to return defective merchandise, you just toss it out and absorb the loss.
