Multi-Rotors for Human Transportation...Is This the Future?


I've seen some rickety attempts by some of our counterparts in Asia...but it looks like a team in Germany has achieved the first manned flight of a human with a multi-rotor. I looks like a well built setup...complete with a yoga ball for a soft landing! Personally (having been a kid of the 80's) I've been dreaming of a personal flying vehicle most of my life...since they had them on GI Joe and all. Enjoy...I got a kick out of seeing this...quite an accomplishment!

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This "Jet Pack" looks a bit easier to park though...

This video is there first high altitude test (they used a dummy in place of the human in this flight)

I think this counts as a multi rotor.... Its two ducted fans driven by a single ic engine with simple joystick driven thrust vectoring.
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