Mikrokopter MK levels with different speed on Nick and Roll axis

Hi guys.

I've a little quad in X-configuration.

It had it's maiden last week.Still needs some tweaking on the PID settings.

During test flights I noticed something weird.

When janking the sticks ,while in a hover to observe the PID settings mid flight, I noticed that the copter corrects itself lighting fast when nicked but it comes sloooowly back to level when rolled.

What can cause this difference in correction speed?

I checked the mixer-table and everything looks symmetrical.(all 64 and -64.I use the default MK X-quad settings)

The CG is spot on in the middle of the copter.Checked that both in the Mk Tool and by means of a string.

A friend of mine has the same problem.His is a + quad and he flies with complete other PID settings.

Any ideas?


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sorry i can't help on the PID settings as I've never tried changing them. the mixer table though just assigns how much power the FC can use to maintain control so while it has 64 to -64 for pitch or roll it will only use what it thinks it appropriate.

it sounds like you've got some more tuning to do. you should be able to balance the response with PID settings. my MK's are pretty boring camera mules (at least that's how I fly them) so standard settings are all I've ever needed.

good luck with it.

Thanks Bartman.

I've tried both default and my own settings but the result is the same:fast on nick and slow on roll.

I emailed MK Germany and this is what they come up with:


the sped is not the same on booth axis. But if you wan to change something you can find all settings with a description here:

A friend of mine has a quad too and he notices same issue.
He has a + instead of X config and flies his with his own settings.

To me,it seems like there's some hidden code that causes this difference in nick and roll response.

I asked MK why they made it react like this but haven't had an email yet.

I don't think this is a issue that can be fixed with the PID settings as these settings affect both axis at the same time.


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ok, sorry i couldn't be of more help. i wasn't aware that the PID's weren't axis specific with MK. never played with them so barely would know where to even find them.

i wonder if the slow roll response is also part of the poor command of the roll function with the camera mount control?

good luck with it.
