Tau Labs Missing attitude calibration


Active Member
So any idea why I can not get the attitude calibration page to show up in GCS now? I know I've seen it before, but now I just see a page telling me that this will be updated depending on which board is detected?

Last thing I have to tune, but it needs it bad. I can see it out of level in the flight data while I have a bullseye level in the same frame. It's drifting pretty bad because of this. Any help?


Defies Psychics
So I'm not alone.

I had the same problem. Initial install of latest 5-28 GCS and CC firmware did not work. Then I went to 5-22 and things worked so I went back to 5-28 on both and it worked....for a few days. Then yesterday I was playing with the motor channels and I lost the screen again. I tried using the flash erase firmware, reloading various CC firmwares, and GCS. I could not get it back when using the 5-28 versions. I ended up reverting CC to 5-22 and left GCS at 5-28. I should have tried the 5-27 CC version but got lazy.

EDIT: I just installed the CC firmware 5-27. Then I installed 5-28. It's working again.

So any idea why I can not get the attitude calibration page to show up in GCS now? I know I've seen it before, but now I just see a page telling me that this will be updated depending on which board is detected?

Last thing I have to tune, but it needs it bad. I can see it out of level in the flight data while I have a bullseye level in the same frame. It's drifting pretty bad because of this. Any help?
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Active Member
So any idea why I can not get the attitude calibration page to show up in GCS now? I know I've seen it before, but now I just see a page telling me that this will be updated depending on which board is detected?

Last thing I have to tune, but it needs it bad. I can see it out of level in the flight data while I have a bullseye level in the same frame. It's drifting pretty bad because of this. Any help?

I can't solve your problem, but I can tell you that the GCS is not detecting the CC properly - that attitude screen needs to know what type of board is connected. This was any early problem (I encountered it myself) but I thought it was all fixed now. I can only suggest reinstall latest (matching <<< very important) firmware & GCS.
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Active Member
No luck at all. Matched all software on board & GCS still nothing. Did notice that my device id changes from 401 to fff. Seems dodgy to me if it has to identify a certin board that something like the id would switch like that.


Defies Psychics
I spoke too soon. it worked for me until I restarted GCS. I went back to the 5-22 versions.


Active Member
I'm on Mac, but I have a virtual PC set up that I installed 5/22 GCS & put the matching firmware on the CC board. It works now, but I'm not trying to restart GCS anytime soon.

Just had my first flight with it so far and it seems pretty solid, but I still have to get it trimmed in proper. It seems to not want to respond to the trim to much. Is that just in my head, or is that case? Is there some way to trim it out in GCS?


Merlin of Multirotors
Anyone ever find a way to fix this? I'm having the same issue with the latest version of GCS (6-8) running on Windoze 7 along with the channel update rate being grayed out, but that I manged to bypass by doing the rate changes manually in the property screen. Can't find a way around the Attitude/INS calibration issue, fortunately it flys fairly well as-is but the cal still needs to be done to make it right.

I FINALLY managed to get the board working properly on my Kindjal frame that had a KK blue board installed, went fairly smoothly once I figured out the ESCs I'm using need a 250 mHz update rate instead of 400 mHz and then figured out how to make the change using the properties screen. Last piece of the puzzle is the calibration, so I guess I'll fly it with the current setup until there's a fix.



Active Member
It seems that the problem was with the board identifying itself properly to the GCS. I was able to track down different board ID's in GCS when I connected the board. The first time you launch GCS everything is good and it has the proper ID, but then if you close GCS and reopen it seems to take some other string and use it as the ID (I think mine was showing up as "FFF"). I worked my way around it by launching the PC version on my Mac with a PC emulator, and then I never turned GCS off, I just freeze the virtual machine when I'm done and come back to it later (I only use it for GCS). So far so good, but it's just a band-aid till they get it working properly.

Have you checked out the OpenPilot forum to see if anyone has addressed this?


Merlin of Multirotors
It seems that the problem was with the board identifying itself properly to the GCS. I was able to track down different board ID's in GCS when I connected the board. The first time you launch GCS everything is good and it has the proper ID, but then if you close GCS and reopen it seems to take some other string and use it as the ID (I think mine was showing up as "FFF"). I worked my way around it by launching the PC version on my Mac with a PC emulator, and then I never turned GCS off, I just freeze the virtual machine when I'm done and come back to it later (I only use it for GCS). So far so good, but it's just a band-aid till they get it working properly.

Have you checked out the OpenPilot forum to see if anyone has addressed this?

I did read something over there about it being a bootloader problem and that it needs to be updated on the CC board. Did all that along with a full erasure of the board and reload of firmware, no difference at all as far as GCS seeing the board and allowing access to either the update rate or calibration screen. Also setup a Win XP VM in VMWare workstation on my desktop system, loaded GCS and connected via USB, same thing though in that case its coming in through Win7 so it appears the problem lies at the Win7 OS level. My desktop system is brand new, no more than a month old with a fresh OS load of Win7 Ultimate and all relevant updates applied, don't know what else I can do from this side to make it work.



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
did you guys update the bootloader before reinstalling the firmware? I had to do that to get GCS to show all the screens. I can reference the thread from OP Forum in the morning if you want to give it a try.


Merlin of Multirotors
did you guys update the bootloader before reinstalling the firmware? I had to do that to get GCS to show all the screens. I can reference the thread from OP Forum in the morning if you want to give it a try.

I did a clean slate, erased the settings in the board, updated the bootloader, then reloaded the firmware, same problem with GCS.

I found a workaround for the update rate settings and now have the quad flying very close to as smooth as the other one with the Hoverfly Sport board on it, only remaining issue is the level is off a tiny bit so if I use attitude mode it drifts forward and to right a little and without access to the calibration in GCS I can't fix it. Not a major issue as I don't really use autoleveling on the small quads, mainly I beat the snot out of them doing aerobatics in a big open field and so far this one looks like its going to be a good one for that!

Eventually the problem will get fixed one way or another, its more of an aggravation that I can't get the GCS to run at all on the netbook I take to the field for running MKtool on the MK hexas, so I have to do all my tuning here at the house and hope that the settings I wind up with work well when I have the room to open it up and bang the sticks around.


Update - I got GCS to run on the netbook, the problem was the antivirus software thought the GCS executable was a threat so it removed and quarantined it! Haven't yet had a chance to hook the board up to it to see if I can access calibration...

Update #2 - hooked the board up to the netbook and did a reload of the bootloader and firmware, got the calibration screen in GCS. Moved the board over to the desktop computer, now have calibration screen there too, problem fixed!
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