Mikrokopter MikroKopter Failsafe & RTH


I am interested to hear if anyone has had their MK FC go into Failsafe (ie TX switched off) and what happened....Did it fly back, land or crash.

And does anyone use the RTH function and what happens??



It will come home..
If you set a coming home altitude it will climb to that and once over the home position ( the point you calibrated before motor start) it will hover until you land or under voltage fail safe kicks in and it lands itself. Without set coming home altitude it will come home on whatever altitude it was when GS kicked in..
Google Mikrokopter return to home and you will find the wiki


Heavy Lifter
A couple years ago Josh Lambeth tried this. Worked fine. Probably even more robust with the latest firmware updates. I've definitely tested manual RTH and even had to use it once on a golf course when I lost orientation about 400m away. But (thankfully) I've never experienced a full auto failsafe (radio link failure).

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We have to switch the RC off during flight to get the CASA OC.
Works fine.
You can also set it to a switch and simulate switching the RC off, without switching it off..


Thanks for the replies. Well I braved it and tested the RTH function and it worked a treat......So I then switched off the TX and it flew right back but before it started to descend I switched it back on.

It's a relief to know it all works if something hits the fan!!!

Thanks again.


