Manual mode...


I thought i'd get some practice flying in manual mode..

I have a octocopter and a f550 but they fly in manual mode differently!

my f550....when i apply forward pitch gently on my transmitter and return to center the f550 carries on at the angle i pitched forward to so carries on flying forward....until i pull back on the joystick to level it out.

my octo in manual moves forward but straightens up when i return to center (obviously to stop forward moving motion i have to pull back on joystick intil the aircraft stops moving forward then release the joystick to center).

which is the correct behaviour?

What you are describing for the F550 is correct, if you are in manual or acro mode. What your octocopter is doing is not manual mode at all, that is self-stabilize. Maybe you didn't actually put it into manual? What acro does is it only uses the gyros and it tries to hold your current orientation. If you let the sticks go it should stay tilted.
