Loving my 550 :)

Just had my first proper flight with my new DJI550 with Naza and GPS, love it! GPS is absolutely brilliant, gonna be really helpful when getting some footage from above the sand racing. Got the quadframe.com landing legs on and they are great, and fitted a few LEDs into the ends of the booms which helps a lot as it gets darker, and it looks bloody cool too! :tennis:


Great to hear phatfreddy !
Always a buzz to see a new machine take flight.
Best of luck with your new 550 :tennis:

Thanks Eoin, it was brilliant! Had planned to get used to it for a few mins and then get some footage of it in action, next thing I know its 15 mins later and the battery is dead! :nevreness:


Just did the same today wind calmed down and first cool flight. Needs trimming a little but what a buzz seeing it lift into the air....
