Aeronavics / Droidworx Longest flight time from Lipos


Hi folks, I'm an Aeronavics newbie. Having flown our S900 for a while, we've just purchased a SkyJib X4 XL from Andy @ MultirotorUK.

We're looking at flying a GH4, 5D (on the M5) and a Red (on an M10). I'd be very interested in what dual flight packs you find offer the best flight times.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
All depends on the aircraft but you will probably get best bang for you buck in the 10Ah 6s range (x2) 12AH may also work very well and the 16AHs are probably too heavy but it all depends on what motors props and escs you are using and the all up weight of the machine. Speak to Andy, he should be able to tell you the best battery for your particular setup.


Thanks Carapau. I really appreciate that. A hat tip to your work btw. I'm not sure of the weight as yet as I'm just awaiting delivery. We've gone for 17" props, U7 engines and 80T ESCs. I'm guessing that higher C packs would be in order for this combo?


My hands are swetty :DJust about to click on 1250€ worth of batteries..
Rentakill, I´m running the same payloads and same motors, going to go for
You guys have any experience with these batts?
They look similar to m

Always run to 20% never go below. this will ensure your batteries will have many flights.
I always charge them in flight pairs using Hyperion EOS720
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